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Change her life give his hope for a better
future from $30 a month

Kateryna ` s story

Kateryna is 10 years old and attends English language courses offered by “Hope – Children of Ukraine”. Her story reflects the dreams of many children who lost their familiar lives due to the war but have not lost faith in a better future.

Before the war, Kateryna lived in Irpin, Kyiv region. In March 2022, she and her mother were forced to leave their hometown and move to a small village in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Her life changed drastically there: she could no longer pursue her beloved music and gymnastics. However, even in these new conditions, Kateryna did not abandon her main goal — learning English.

“Studying English is very important now,” says Katya. “Because of the war, people are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries. Without knowing the language, it’s hard to find friends, support, and integrate into a new life.”

Kateryna has a cherished dream — to visit Legoland and one day study at one of the world’s most prestigious universities. She understands that mastering English is the key to achieving these goals.

But more than anything, Katya dreams of peace in Ukraine: “I want peace to return to our country, where people can live calmly, and children can be happy without sirens, alarms, and missile attacks.”

Despite all the challenges, Katya continues to study hard. She never misses an English lesson because she believes that knowledge will help her achieve her dreams.

You can help Kateryna get closer to her dreams by supporting her trip to Legoland and further education. Every contribution is a step towards giving this girl the chance to develop her talents and contribute to the future of our country.

Support Kateryna and help her keep believing in a brighter future!

Yes, I will sponsor Kateryna


Your donation will change the lives of the sponsored children from Ukraine and give them hope for the future.  


17 Years Old

Your donation will change the life of your sponsored child from Ukraine and give them hope for the future.

Donations of $30 per month ($360 one-time annual payment) provide each child access to our English language classes and other support services.

For $30 a month ($360 annually), you will join our incredible community of Hope Angels who, like you, strive to give the children affected by the war in Ukraine a brighter future.  Your contribution will be combined with donations from other Hope Angels and Champions to ensure ongoing support for your sponsored child.